Human Resources

Child Safeguarding Policy Publication

Local authorities publish child safeguarding and protection policies. These cover recruitment of staff and volunteers and training on how to identify and report child protection or welfare concerns to Túsla or An Garda Síochána (national police).

Human Resources Reports

Local authorities may provide reports and information on human resources to government departments and other agencies.

Local Government Graduate Programme

Local authorities, together with other stakeholders, may run graduate programmes in innovation, strategy and change management, economic and business development, project management and human resources management to give graduates an opportunity to use their skills in their work with the local authority.

Recruitment Management

Local authorities, together with other stakeholders, advertise job vacancies, shortlist candidates, carry out assessments and hold interviews to appoint successful candidates.

Work Experience Support

Local authorities may accept applications from people who want to gain work experience including Transition Year students, third level students and applicants from assisted work placement programmes.

Pension Management

Local authorities, together with MyPay shared service, deal with pension related queries from retired staff and councillors including pension information, calculations and payments.