Customer Support

Byelaws Consultation

You can comment or object to a local authority's proposal to create byelaws for certain service areas. These areas include burial grounds, parking, speed limits, casual trading, and the control of dogs and horses.

Councillor Information Publication

Local authorities publish the names, contact information and political parties of councillors on local authority websites and various publications.

Customer Complaints

You can send a written complaint to the local authority if you feel you have been treated unfairly or not in line with the local authority's customer service charter.

Customer Service Action Plan Publication

Local authorities publish guides outlining their standards for customer service delivery, how they will monitor and improve service, the responsibilities of customers when using local authority services, and how to you can make a complaint.

Customer Service Charter Publication

Local authorities publish charters outlining their commitment to provide high quality customer service, the responsibilities of customers when using services, and what you as a customer may do if you are unhappy with the standard of service provided to you.

Customer Service Request

Local authorities respond to customer requests such as how to apply for a service, pay for a service, report an issue, make an observation or receive service information.

Emergency Response Phoneline

Local authorities may provide an emergency response phoneline where the public may report emergencies involving flooding, road maintenance, traffic and environmental issues.

Pension Management

Local authorities, together with MyPay shared service, deal with pension related queries from retired staff and councillors including pension information, calculations and payments.

Public Consultation Portal

Local authorities may provide online portals where you can take part in the public consultation process. You can do this by registering to view or search open or upcoming consultations, or submit an observation.

Public Representative Request

Local authorities respond to requests from councillors and Oireachtas members on behalf of members of the public about local authority services they want to access or which may affect them.

Service Design

Local authorities work with their service users to understand their needs, redesign services and develop ways to improve access to and deliver better local authority services.