Improvement Works in Lieu of Local Authority Housing Scheme

Local authorities may provide support to carry out improvement works to a privately owned property.

The Improvement Works in Lieu of social housing scheme (IWILs) allows local authorities to improve or extend privately owned accommodation, where the applicant has been approved for social housing. It allows those who are otherwise eligible for social housing to remain in private housing and for enhancements to that housing.

The Housing (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1992 sets-out the main rules of this scheme.

You may qualify for the scheme if:       

  • Your application for social housing has been approved
  • You are a local authority tenant or a tenant purchaser who wants to move to a private home and return your present home to the local authority
  • You are a tenant of an approved housing body (AHB) and you want to buy a private house and return your present house to the AHB
  • You own your home, but it is overcrowded or sub-standard and you can’t afford to improve it

Carlow County Council will organise and pay for the work. You will pay a charge for the works based on how much you can afford. The charge will last for a maximum of 15 years. If you have paid for the full cost of the works during the 15-year period, the charge will stop. If you sell your home during the 15 years, or before you have repaid the cost of the works, you will have to make a repayment to the local authority.