Community Participation

Comhairle na nÓg Support

Local authorities coordinate youth councils which give young people under the age of 18 the chance to get involved in the development of policy and local services and discuss issues that affect them such as homelessness, mental health, physical health, cyber health and bullying.

Dáil na nÓg Support

Local authorities support Dáil na nÓg, the national parliament for young people, and Comhairle na nÓg, the child and youth council which give young people a say in services, policies and issues which affect them. Comhairle no nÓg members may be elected to Dáil na nÓg to debate and address issues affecting young people such as climate change, mental health, gender identity and the development of facilities for young people.

Library Groups and Organisations Support

Public libraries may support local groups and organisations by providing a venue for community activities, trained library staff to sit on committees and taskforces, and a distribution point for community information.

Public Participation Network Support

Local authorities set up and support networks to encourage registered community, voluntary, social inclusion and environmental groups to take part in the council's decision-making and policy making processes, and to monitor local authority activities.