Project Carlow 2040

Project Carlow 2040 is an ambitious 20 year Regeneration Strategy for Carlow Town.

Project Carlow 2040

Project Carlow 2040 contains transformational and aspiring ideas for the economic, social and environmental growth and progression, many of which are ahead of the curve in the area of Town development

This innovative strategy, tailored to Carlow Town, offers a sustainable approach to creating better town centre living and enjoyment, improving health and wellbeing, and encourages competitive and commercial activities focused on improving the long term viability of Carlow.

This 20 year plan which has identified key strategic opportunity sites, will inform and drive the economic, social and physical development and growth of Carlow Town as an investment location and place to live & work.  The six key objectives of the strategy are:

1. Health & Wellbeing 
The creation and maintenance of a healthy public realm with a focus on Health & Wellbeing

2. Education
An expanded third level education offer combined with improved career opportunities within the Town

3. Public Realm
The provision of accessible and exciting Public Realm Spaces focused on green infrastructure and           connectivity.

4. Town Centre Focus
Re-definition and re-purposing of the Town centre to re-establish its core identity as a destination for living, recreation and business.

5. Connecting
Connectivity & linkages between educational, public transport and amenities to bring a sense of community.

6. Economy
Implement innovative and sustainable initiatives that enhance economic activity in terms of employment, community and new residential developments.

The Strategy provides a framework for the delivery of regeneration projects that will deliver tangible results in the form of employment opportunities, retail services, and residential units, as well as community and health benefits.

The long-term vision includes collaborations between the public and private sector to see Carlow Town transformed into a centre of sustainable economic growth capitalising on its innovative potential to offer greater business opportunities and improved quality of life for all.