Library Events and Activities

Age Friendly Events and Activities

Public libraries run activities and events for older people including digital skills training, author visits, creative workshops and networking opportunities.

Children's Activities and Events

Public libraries may run children's activities and events such as storytelling, author visits, creative writing workshops, seasonal arts and crafts workshops, and sessions on a range of educational topics.

Library Clubs

Public libraries may run or host clubs such as homework clubs, Lego clubs, knitting, sewing and gardening clubs where children and adults can learn about different subjects, develop new skills and meet people.

Library Events and Activities

Public libraries may run cultural, educational, and recreational events and activities open to both library members and non members.

Library Visits to Schools

Public libraries may visit schools to tell students about library services, how to join the library and what resources available to them.

National Library Programmes Support

Public libraries may support national programmes such as Heritage Week, Science Week, Engineers Week, National Tree Week, Seachtain na Gaeilge, World Book Day and the Bealtaine Festival by running relevant activities and events in libraries during these dates.

Parent and Toddler Groups Support

Public libraries may run or host groups where young children can meet, play and listen to stories and parents and guardians can compare notes on parenting and early childhood issues.