Ethics, Standards and Governance

Audit Committee Support

Local authorities support audit committees to review and monitor financial reporting processes, internal audit controls, risk management, the findings and recommendations of the National Oversight Audit Committee, and the local authority's response to these.

Child Safeguarding Policy Publication

Local authorities publish child safeguarding and protection policies. These cover recruitment of staff and volunteers and training on how to identify and report child protection or welfare concerns to Túsla or An Garda Síochána (national police).

Councillor Attendance Register

Local authorities publish a public register of councillor attendance at council meetings, committee meetings, training and conferences.

Councillor Donation Statements

Local authorities publish annual statements to provide details of political donations councillors received during the previous year.

Councillor Payments Register

Local authorities publish a public register of payments to councillors including salaries, allowances, travel and subsistence, and training and conference expenses.

Register of Interests

Local authorities maintain a public register which provides details of financial and other interests disclosed by councillors and relevant council employees to uphold standards of integrity, conduct and concern for the public interest.